Registration of elementary vocal students may only be submitted by the student’s school vocal director, to qualify the student for possible selection to an All-County ensemble. This will qualify the student for the solo/group audition and possible selection to an All-County ensemble.

Each audition registration may only be submitted by the student’s school music director.A wind, percussion or string applicant must be a member of his/her school band/orchestra.A choral applicant must be a member of his/her school chorus.Home educated students not meeting this requirement are ineligible to audition for an All-County ensemble. A student applicant must be a member in good standing of his/her corresponding instrumental/choral school performing ensemble at the time of the audition and at the time of the applicant’s membership in the All-County ensemble.A student’s school must have paid the district participation fee for the current year.The following guidelines delineate the responsibilities of the music educator who wishes to engage in festival participation: Overview P ARTICIPATION POLICY FOR ECMEA ALL-COUNTY FESTIVALSĮCMEA has an established contract with its respective member districts, and therefore, each district’s music teachers, regarding school participation.