Splinter cell double agent walkthrough mission 8
Splinter cell double agent walkthrough mission 8

While you’re undercover with the JBA, you have to keep their trust in you up if they decide you’re completely untrustworthy (such as if you simply refuse to follow their orders, or if they see you picking locks in their headquarters), it’ll be a quick ride to the furnace for your body. The game is mechanically similar to most of the previous Splinter Cells, but the balancing of trust between the JBA and the NSA, his employers, adds a bit of a wrinkle to the old equations. But is he willing to make that kind of decision? He has to balance the fact that killing an innocent or two may save the life of millions of people down the line. After going undercover in a terrorist organization, John Brown’s Army, that’s intent on destroying New York City, Sam is forced to act alongside the terrorists in order to earn their trust. The job that’s offered him, however, is scant on catharsis and long on moral haziness. Unfortunately, when Sarah, his daughter, is killed by a drunk driver, he has no method of coping, save for the job. Although the life of a grizzled government operative that’s sent alone into highly secured and dangerous areas was never one of peace, he certainly never thought that he would live long enough to see his offspring die. Sam Fisher’s back, and more morose than ever. So the understanding here should be that now when the AI sees you blow somebody’s brains out with the FN F2000, they love you for it.By: Matthew Rorie Design: Randall Montanari Using the above JBA HQ map as an example, you can modify the event: "Terrorist disabled" from having a "-100" effect on JBA trust to a "+100" effect on JBA trust by simply removing the " - " (minus sign) before the 100. Inside the file you will find the reward system for completing or failing objectives. You can also modify the INI file located in the game's "System" directory labeled TrustEvents.ini. For example, if you choose to provide yourself a weapon in one of the "JBA HQ" maps (the 'undercover' maps where Sam has no weapons and no goggles) by changing the string variable "MainGunType=EMainGunType_NoMainGun" to "MainGunType=EMainGunType_EF2000". For advanced users, it is possible to modify the outcome of certain events. Save the file as an INI file and boot the game. If you need a list of equipment, scan the INI files of the other missions and simply copy/paste.

splinter cell double agent walkthrough mission 8

For example, Stick圜amera=0 can be changed to anything you want. SCDA-OfflineMaps 02_Jail_01.ini Inside the INI file, locate the string "// = STANDARD EQUIPMENT = " You can change the starting equipment Fisher has by altering the values. For example, if you want to alter the Ellsworth Penitentary stage, you would edit the. SCDASCDA-OfflineMaps Open the *.INI file corresponding to the level you would like to modify.

Splinter cell double agent walkthrough mission 8 Offline#

It will be in the offline folder, such as. Go into the directory of Splinter Cell: Double Agent and locate the subdirectory "Maps". This method is to provide you with some basic assistance in clearing a level on the "HARD" mode or possibly so that you can just go "GUN NUT" on any level you would like. Hack Levels Back-up game critical game files before alteration, or you get screwed, just like in Federal-pound-you-in-the-butt prison.

  • Spawn wallmine - summon echeloningredient.ewallmine.
  • splinter cell double agent walkthrough mission 8

  • Spawn sticky shocker - summon echeloningredient.estickyshocker.
  • Spawn sticky camera - summon echeloningredient.estickycamera.
  • Spawn smoke grenade - summon echeloningredient.esmokegrenade.
  • Spawn frag grenade - summon echeloningredient.efraggrenade.
  • Spawn flashbang - summon echeloningredient.eflashbang.
  • Spawn airfoil round - summon echeloningredient.eringairfoilround.
  • Bind the cheats listed below on the right for the corresponding result on the left. Scroll down until you find an area where you can find key bindings.

    splinter cell double agent walkthrough mission 8 splinter cell double agent walkthrough mission 8

    ubisofttom clancy’s splinter cell double agentscda-offlinesystem). Head to the splintercelluser and splintercelluser1 files (which should be found under. Also, since you’re messing with files, you’re doing so at your own risk. Since this process involves editing a game file, you should make a backup of your file before attempting this. Alternately, have your NSA trust below 33% and destroy two of the three targets. Alternately, have your NSA trust above 33% and destroy two of the three targets.Įnding C - Bad: Destroy all three targets (Crouse Ship, Hisham, Lambert). To get the endings listed below, fill the corresponding requirement listed.Įnding A - Good: Have your NSA trust above 33% and save at least two of the three targets (Crouse Ship, Hisham, Lambert).Įnding B - Normal: Have your NSA trust below 33% and save all three targets (Crouse Ship, Hisham, Lambert). To unlock Elite Mode, complete Solo Mode on any difficulty setting.

    Splinter cell double agent walkthrough mission 8